Living in Presence gives us the opportunity to perceive from a different state of consciousness, not only experiencing life with our senses but integrating all aspects of the Self.
It opens the door to our soul’s evolution.

When we go inward and connect with our True Self, the way we experience this world changes.

A journey where light and shadow meet, and healing find its way; allowing us to expand our capacity to reach the cosmos while inhabiting a body held by roots within the Great Mother.

Lead me from the unreal to the Real.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality.
Om shanti shanti shanti



  • Cosmic Map

    Remembering your soul’s journey and navigating the energy available.

  • Reiki ∞ Distance Healing

    Balancing and harmonizing all aspects of the Self through Spiritual Energy.

  • Yoga & Meditation

    Free Bilingual Classes.
    Austin, TX

  • I loved my reading, it was very revealing!

    Aneika managed to convey everything in a way that I could understand and above all, it resonated with me. For me, it has been a guide and confirmation of my purpose. I also appreciate knowing what things I have to work on and trust on my path. I recommend doing this reading for clarity.

    Astrology Reading

  • This was an incredible reading!

    It confirmed things I had just talked about with others, but also showed me where to focus for growth. I've listened to the reading twice now and every time I'm able to recall more patterns in my childhood. Book your reading, you will not be disappointed.

    Tarot Reading

  • The reading was spot on!

    Without knowing anything about me Aneika was able to communicate the messages I needed to hear. It was very helpful and encouraging and helped clarify some questions I had regarding my career and life.

    Tarot Reading

  • I highly recommend Reiki Sessions

    After many sessions both online and face-to-face, I can tell that Reiki has had various effects in me, from feeling better from physical discomfort, as well as on an emotional level. This practice has made me feel the power of energy in a different and special way, connecting with my emotions and sensations, simply giving me a space to be with myself and be well.



A Journey of Consciousness

Everything starts from within. Take simple steps into your own journey of Consciousness.