Living in Presence gives us the opportunity to perceive from a different state of consciousness, not only experiencing life with our senses but integrating all aspects of the Self.
It opens the door to our soul’s evolution.
When we go inward and connect with our True Self, the way we experience this world changes.
A journey where light and shadow meet, and healing find its way; allowing us to expand our capacity to reach the cosmos while inhabiting a body held by roots within the Great Mother.

Lead me from the unreal to the Real.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality.
Om shanti shanti shanti
Cosmic Map
Remembering your soul’s journey and navigating the energy available.
Reiki ∞ Distance Healing
Balancing and harmonizing all aspects of the Self through Spiritual Energy.
Yoga & Meditation
Free Bilingual Classes.
Austin, TX

A Journey of Consciousness
Everything starts from within. Take simple steps into your own journey of Consciousness.